February 26, 2025
Dear Friend, It’s not too often that the snow here is so deep that it is nearly impossible to walk through, but that has been the case for the past 10 days. Each step in snow goes 15″ down, nearly to my knee. After attempting to “break trail” for about 60 feet I went home exhausted and sent word around to Friends asking if anyone had a pair of snowshoes I could borrow. Yesterday was my first time ever walking with snowshoes- what a difference! I was able to make it all the way around the upper meadow without sinking too far (maybe 4 inches or so) all because my weight was distributed over a larger area. As I walked, I could not help but to think that what keeps my spirits from sinking is the same kind of distribution of the emotional weight I feel. Thankfully, we are in community together and it is in community that our joys and our cares can be distributed over a wider network of people so we do not sink under the weight of it all. “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” -Galatians 6:2 |
Another wonderful Community Church Supper last night !
There was an incredible spread of food and great company last night at our monthly 4th Tuesday Church Supper. Thanks to Outreach and all the extra helpers who made it possible. It’s a ministry.
Vigil for Democracy: An Experiment in Non-Partisanship
This Sunday from 1-2
along 101 in Dublin center
Q: How is a vigil different from a protest?
A: A protest is about voicing an objection. A vigil is about holding space for change.
Q: What does democracy have to do with religion?
A: Only in a democracy are we free to worship, or not to worship, as we choose. Only in a democracy are the values and priorities of the electorate are expressed through free and fair elections. Only in a democracy is there a system of justice and hope for equality for all people, as Jesus exemplified.
The idea for the Vigil for Democracy arose from two strong desires:
1) the desire to acknowledge that the balance of power is tipping out of balance
2) the desire to create a space where a wide range of people across the political spectrum could find community.
The hope is, by focusing on issues instead of individuals or elected officials, our community will diversify and grow.
Democracy is a broad theme that provides ample room for expression. Consider the 52-word Preamble to our Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
*Please bring signs and/or flags on Sunday if you wish. The forecast is for a VERY chilly day; come prepared.
*Warming station and restrooms will be available in Dublin Community Church.
*Standing alongside a highway is dangerous; please be alert with attention to the traffic.
*Let’s try to spread out a little more this week.
*Be prepared mentally and emotionally to either not react, or to react with kindness to negativity from passersby; this is a big part of nonviolent direct action.
And please share this email far and wide, especially with people who may be on a different part of the political spectrum from where you are. Let’s build community around the importance of our Constitution and the structure of government, protection of rights, and balance of powers enshrined therein.
2025 Lenten Lunch Series: Nourishing Peace Through Understanding
5 Wednesdays from 11-12
Dublin Church Hall
B.Y.O. lunch if you wish; beverages provided
March 12 Hinduism
March 19: Church of Christ, Scientist
March 26: Daoism
April 2: Abenaki or Janism
April 9: Worship in the Wild
“Peace is highly complex but fundamentally simple. At its core, peace is quite simply a function
of how members of different groups mutually treat one another.” -Peter T. Coleman of
Columbia Teachers College
Ash Wednesday Open Sanctuary
6:30-7:30 p.m.
A time for quiet reflection, prayer and meditation. You may light candles if you wish. Ashes will be offered.
Please join me in a spirit of prayer. God of all the seasons, I am so grateful for the brightening sunlight and the temporarily warmer temperatures. With the lengthening days, I pray we will be energized. Open our hearts to the needs of the people we come in contact with. Help us to slow down and to really listen with more than just our hearing. Grant us your vision that we may truly see. This I pray in Christ’s name. Amen. “Community is much more than belonging to something; it’s about doing something together that makes belonging matter.” -Brian Solis “May your hearts be comforted and well-equipped in charity and in all the riches of complete understanding.” -Colossians 2:2 Your Friend in Christ, Traceymay |