Weekly Message from Traceymay

September 11, 2024

Dear Friend,

Today is 9/11, a day those of us of a certain age will never forget.  There is nothing I can say to you today that will be as meaningful as the following video, “Boatlift,” narrated by Tom Hanks.  Please take 12 minutes to witness the part of the 9/11 story.

BOATLIFT – An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience (HD Version) (youtube.com)

Friend, as individuals we can not prevent disaster, war, violence and poverty but what we can do is decide how we can respond.  How we respond to life’s challenges is really what defines us.  Let’s take a few moments today to consider the issues that are weighing us down the most at the moment.  If we are not careful, we can overwhelm ourselves with despair.  What is the remedy?  The remedy is found in identifying one thing that you can do to respond.  The remedy is to do something.
If war is what is most weighing on you, then think of a way to bring more peace into your life and into those lives you have influence over.  If violence is leaving you feeling hopeless, then what can you do to support a victim of violence, or write a letter to your representative advocating for legislation to end gun violence.  If global warming keeps you up at night, revamp your recycling scene.  If the thought of children going hungry unsettles you then buy some extra groceries (LIST IS HERE) and bring your donation to church.  Like one man said in the video, “Everyone has a little hero inside of them.”  Focus on the remedy instead of on the problem.  We are defined by how we respond, so let’s respond carefully, thoughtfully and consistently.  That’s what Jesus did and that is what he calls us to do, too.


“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me…Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”   -Matthew 25

‘Good-Bye To A House’, a documentary about Harrisville’s Seaver Farm, will be premiering at the Harrisville Community Church on Friday, September 27th at 7:00pm. The film will be followed by a Q&A with filmmaker Chris Hardee of High Cairn Films and Jodi Farwell of Farwell Farm, whose essay about the house published in Common Threads in Dec 2019/Jan 2020, served as the basis for the film. Read Jodi’s essay HERE. The 20-minute film is a lyrical account of a typical New Hampshire farm and the certainty of change. At its heart, it is a personal inquiry into local history, the caretakers of special places, and the importance of remembering. Admission is free. Donations are encouraged. DVDs will be available for purchase.


Upcoming Services

Edie Clark  11a.m. Saturday September 28th followed by a potluck reception

Justine Aukincloss  3 p.m. Sunday October 13th


Community Italian Potluck Supper

Home-cooked suppers at the Dublin Community Church are usually offered on the 4th Tuesdays of the month,

but we are starting off with something different in September.

 Saturday ~ September 28, 2024 ~ 5-7 pm

 Bring a pasta dish as first choice.  But we’ll also need salad, bread and dessert.

Good food, games, and fun for the whole family!

(donations optional but welcome) 

Next week I will be joining other United Church of Christ Clergy for our annual Clergy Convocation, Monday- Wednesday at Pilgrim Pines in Swanzey, NH.  This event is part of our continuing education requirements.  I am Chair of the planning committee so I may not be available right away, but I will be checking my phone twice daily and my emails once, so feel free to contact me and I will respond as soon as possible.  Next week’s Wednesday email will be very brief.


A friend’s cat just had an unexpected litter of kittens and they are ready for homes.  Contact me if you are interested in something warm and cuddly.


Before we close in prayer, I ask you to keep the family of Jean and Bill Sterling in your prayers following Bill’s death early this morning.

God of life and death and every moment in between, I am grateful for the bright sunlight and clear skies today.  As we remember the tragedy of 9/11, with skies full of smoke and the cries of the people rising, I pray for a great shift in the world.  I pray for the balance of power and resources that will one day lead to world peace.  Today I aim to bring peace into my soul and share it with all I encounter.
I pray I will make the most of this day.  I pray that I will seize the chances I will have to be kind.  I pray that I will move slowly, carefully, and thoughtfully so as not to injure myself or others.  I pray that I will listen attentively, think before I speak, and speak from my heart.  My deepest prayer is that I may reflect your love through words, actions and silence.  This I pray this day, and in Christ’s name.  Amen.

“In your light we see light.”  -Psalm 36:6

Walking with you in the light of Christ,



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